The Right to Repair Versus Reconstruction under U.S. Patent Law: An In-Depth Analysis

By: Shashank Upadhye Introduction The right to repair emerged as a crucial issue in U.S. patent law, as manufacturers increasingly leverage patents to control post-sale repairs. This analysis delves into the legal framework, examining key court decisions, relevant statutes, and pending legislation that shape this right, with a focus on the court cases recent guidance on […]

On the Use of Generative AI in Patent Litigation

By: Yixin Tang and Victor Van de Wiele Back in 2021, I (Yixin) wrote down some thoughts on how the emerging “age of artificial intelligence” can change legal work and make lawyers more efficient. AI development has grown by leaps and bounds since then, and some of the systems are being “field tested” by patent lawyers. Dr. […]

Navigating Administrative Law: Understanding the Basics of Challenging Federal Agency Decisions

Introduction In the complex landscape of governance, federal agencies wield significant authority in executing and enforcing laws enacted by Congress. These agencies, however, are subject to oversight through administrative law, which provides a structured framework for individuals and entities to contest agency decisions. This article aims to explain some foundational principles of challenging federal agency […]

Recent Developments in Medical Device Patent and FDA Law

Patent litigation in the medical device area continues. Along with pharmaceutical patent litigation, medical device patent litigation continues to provide important rulings and case law precedent. Because of the large-scale investment needed to bring medical devices to the market, device sponsors need certainty about the law and its application to ensure a return on the […]

Patent Infringement Damages and Injunctions – The Basics

Patents, as one part of intellectual property protection, provide a valuable property right and play an important role in economic development, a reward for innovations, add to the technological knowledgebase, and increase the general welfare. Patentees obtain patents for defensive purposes (file applications for publication and issuance to create prior art against others); commercial purposes […]

Why Patent? Ways to Monetize Patents

Patents, as one part of intellectual property protection, provides a valuable tool for protecting ideas, R&D, and business growth. It is a political policy decision of how patents are obtained, maintained, enforced, etc. Different countries have different views on patent policy. For many, though, patents are a driving force for economic development. And for other […]

Life Sciences Hot Issues from 2022 and Upcoming 2023 Ones

Introduction Life sciences patent and FDA law had its fair share of events in 2022. We highlight several interesting areas in 2022 and then profile some upcoming issues in 2023. Some of the issues are related to drug policy, some about FDA’s operations, and some about patents. Supreme Court Updates The US Supreme Court was […]